Friday 28 June 2019

Road of recovery

No more depression : Shrug off recent failures and unfair criticism

Dr. Asma Ali (Ecologist)

When you lost interest or pleasure in daily activities, feel worthless or guilt, suffering difficulties in sleeping (insomnia) or excessive sleeping ( hypersomnia), recurrent thoughts of death or suicide or attempt to suicide and hindrance in psychomotor skills (slow movement and speech), these are the symptoms of depression which persist and affect our life substantially.

According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 7.6 % of people over the age of 12 have depression in any phase of their life. Similarly World Health Organisation (WHO) estimated that 350 million people are affected by depression globally.

DEPRESSION seems to be more common among women than men ( poverty inequality  and discrimination are sources of depression among women). The cause of depression are not fully understood but are likely to be a complex combination of genetic, biological, environmental and psychosocial factor.

There are certain ways to recover from depression who can help an afflicted person on the  road of recovery.

Psychological Treatments:
        Commonly psychological treatment known as a talking therapy. This therapy inserts positive thoughts deep down your brain and helps you to come out from the circle you penned yourself to make a distance from the rest of the world. Talking therapy, underlines your abilities and uniqueness and blurred traumatic memories from the past. It also helps you to change your thinking pattern and to improve your coping skills. Then you're better equipped to deal with life stresses and conflicts.

Medical Treatments :
People with severe forms of depression ( bipolar disorder and psychosis) generally need to be treated with medication. This may include one or a combination of mood stabilizers, antipsychotic drugs and antidepressant. Some people experience side effects, commonly anxiety, sweating, nausea,  headache,  weight gain and dry mouth.

Other sources of support :
Maintaining Healthy lifestyle, relaxation training, family and friends, support groups and online forum are some other sources of support to recover and stay well. It's important to remember that recovery can take time and just as no two persons are the same, neither are their recoveries.

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