Monday 24 June 2019

cancer is easier to fight by using cutting edge technology and intensive studies

Cancer : hazardous threat to mankind

Dr. Asma Ali  (Ecologist)

In modern era, where medical treatment and technology are on its peak; people can reciprocate over any health issues with every corner of the globe. Although growing number of cancer patients is need to be underlined.

Cancer is a genetic changes in any part of the body with uncontrolled cell growth and tumor formation. The basic cause of cancer is DNA damage and genomic instability. The substances that cause cancer are called carcinogens.

According to the American Cancer Society, in the United States, about 1,620 people were expected to die of cancer each day in 2015. Recently FACTS AND FIGURES annual reportan claimed, that in 2019 there will be an estimated 1,762,450 new cancer cases diagnosed and 606,880 death due to cancer in the US. Probability of cancer according to sex being diagnosed, that shows 39.3% cancer probability for men and 37.7% for women.

When we take a look over the number of cancer patients globally, surprisingly the countries on the top 10 comes from oceania, Europe and North America ; consider to be developed countries with adequate amount of grey matter, surviving under a backdrop of proliferated health programs.   
                                PER 100,000
Australia                  468.0
New-Zealand          438.1
Ireland                    373.7
Hungary                 368.1
US                         352.2
Belgium                 345.2
France                   344.1
Denmark               340.4
Norway                 337.8
Netherlands          334.1

Global cancer statistics (GLOBOCA) sketched out the magnitude of 36 cancers worldwide in185 countries. According to the report, lung cancer found to be the most commonly diagnosed cancer (11.6% of the total cases) and the leading cause of cancer death. In this view, to make people aware, WHO ( World Health Organisation) launched a new toolkit to guide countries about cervical cancer on 4th February 2019 (world cancer day).

We can not attribute the disease to a single cause,in many cases it has been observed that any kind of cancer is a result of multiple factors. Here we can roughly divide cancer risk  factors into the following groups.

  • Inheritance genetic defects
  • Environmental exposure
  • Chemicals
  • Lifestyle related factors
  • Bacteria and viruses
  • Several drugs

Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays, radioactive rays and fine particulate matter damaged our DNA  sequence. It has been observed that mobile phones emit and receive radio and microwave radiation in the range of 800 to 2600 MHz depending on country and network. Excessive exposure to ionising  radiation from mobile phone on mobile tower can damage our cells and DNA,  potentially causing burns,sickness or Cancer.


Although the three expert agencies that usually classify cancer causing exposure,  such as the International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC), National Toxicological Program (NTP) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have not classified cell phone towers as to their cancer causing potential.

Several chemicals such as pesticides are  more likely  responsible for cancer. Many studies on the lethal impact of pesticides reveal the fact that these chemicals are  highly carcinogenic. There are certain pesticides which are completely banned worldwide finding their way to market.

Lifestyle related factors that include uses of tobacco, alcohol, ultraviolet radiation in sunlight. Several food habits are also leading cause of Cancer, like Barbecuing food, that generates poly aromatic Hydrocarbons.

Some bacteria and viruses are also found to be carcinogenic. Helicobacter pylori (causes gastristic), HBV, HCV (hepatitis virus that causes hepatitis), EBV ( Epstein-Barr virus) and Herpes virus (inflammation of the throat lymphoid) can cause cancer. Certain antineoplastic agents and hormones attacks on our genetic  system. Medicine  that cause immune deficiency are also responsible factors.

Initially cancer was considered an incurable disease and  was accepted it like a death sentence. But now, the situation has changed, using cutting edge techniques and intensive study, cancer is easier to fight. Most cancers are preventable and also treatable. Cancer diagnosis and treatment have grown by leaps and bounds. Unfortunately due to the different misconceptions and incorrect information, this disease is increasing rapidly. Most patients reach the clinic in the 3rd or 4th Stage when the survival rate remains 10 to 15 percent.

Studies suggest that simple Lifestyle changes such as following a healthy diet could prevent 30 to 50% of all cancers. Growing evidence points to certain food habits increasing or decreasing cancer risk.

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